Educational Activities
Balakashrama – Hostel Facilities
Started in 1951, Ramakrishna Mission Balakashrama provides free boarding, lodging and educational facilities to 75 students belonging to economically backward families coming from rural area, irrespective of caste or creed.

Free Hostel for deserving students
Ramakrishna Mission Balakashrama also provides students uniforms, textbooks, notebooks, school fees etc. In the Balakashrama, the boys are encouraged to cultivate virtuous tendencies, acquire the art of social duty, develop refined tastes, cultivate self-respect, etc. One of the important features is that the boys are allowed to manage the affairs of the Balakashrama, including the upkeep of the premises, gaining thereby the spirit of self-reliance, the dignity of labour, cooperation and personal effort. They participate in the daily routine of the Math such as the morning and evening congregational prayer. They are also taught to chant Vedic Hymns, Bhagavadgita etc.