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Note: For Corpus Donations like Endowment or Building Fund's Donations, please contact office at 0824 2414412

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Bank account details

Complete your Donation by making the payment to below mentioned account.

Please note down the above details and make the payment to the same.


If you want to pay by QR code, scan below.

QR Code


If you want to pay by UPI, copy the below VPA id and make the payment.

Note: For Corpus Donations like Endowment or Building Fund's Donations, please contact office at 0824 2414412

An email will be sent to your email id with all the above details.

Pay With Upi

Complete your Donation by making the payment to below mentioned VPA ID.

Please note down the above VPA ID and make the payment to the same.


If you want to pay by QR code, scan below.

QR Code


If you want to pay directly to our bank account, here are the details.

Note: For Corpus Donations like Endowment or Building Fund's Donations, please contact office at 0824 2414412

An email will be sent to your email id with all the above details.

Pay With QR Code

Complete your donation by making the payment by scanning the below QR code.

QR Code


If you want to pay by UPI, copy the below VPA id and make the payment.


If you want to pay directly to our bank account, here are the details.

Note: For Corpus Donations like Endowment or Building Fund's Donations, please contact office at 0824 2414412

An email will be sent to your email id with all the above details.

Make the Payment

Complete your donation by making the payment.


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