#SpiritualEvents #Bhajans #Ceremony #Festivals
Special Puja & Sri Ramanam Sankirthan
Sri Sri Thakur’s life is intimately connected with Bhagavan Ramachandra. Sri Thakur worshipped Ramlala image and had divine vision of the Lord. It is said that he initiated Swamiji with Rama mantra. Also, just a few days before his Mahasamadhi, he declared, “He who was born as Rama, he who was born as Krishna, is now born as Ramakrishna”.
We believe, therefore, that consecration of the new temple in Ayodhya is a sacred and historic occasion. To mark this occasion we shall be having Special Deepotsava, Puja & Sri Ramanam Sankirthan at Ramakrishna Math, Mangalore on Monday, the 22nd January 2024 as per the programme given below. We invite all our devotees & well-wishers to attend the programme.