#EducationalEvents #SocialEvents #Jijnasa Talks
Jijnasa – Talk by Swami Nirbhayananda Saraswati
Inspired & guided by Ramakrishna Math, Mangaluru, Swacch Mangaluru Foundation Will be organizing a bi-monthly lecture series on a Sunday of alternate months on various relevant issues by renowned speakers under the banner “Jijnasa – Sanatan Chintan Ganga“, A lecture series on Indic Renaissance.
It is an attempt to create a platform for deliberations on Indic thoughts and to promote an understanding of Indian Society, history, culture and traditions from an Indian Perspective. Second lecture in this series will be inaugurated by Dr Jeevaraj Sorake, MD, SCS Hospitals, Mangaluru in the presence of Swami Jitakamanandaji, Adhyaksha of Ramakrishna Math Mangaluru on Sunday, the 3rd December at 9.00 am.
This will be followed by Talk and interaction by Swami Nirbhayananda Saraswati, President, Ramakrishna Vivekananda Ashrama, Gadag & Vijayapura on the topic, “Sanatana Dharma – What it is about“. Details of the programme are given below. We invite our devotees, friends & well-wishers to attend the Lecture.