#SpiritualEvents #Celebrations #Meetups
Bhavasangama at Ramakrishna Math Mangaluru
Ramakrishna Math, Mangaluru has organised Bhavasangama – Bhakta Samagama – 3 Days’ Residential Devotees’ convention in the the Ashrama auditorium from 27th December to 29th December. To reach out the wider audience, the earlier Annual Celebrations have been redesigned under the title, “Bhavasangama“.
Padmabhushan Dr B M Hegde will be inaugurating the convention in the divine presence of Swami Muktidanandaji, Trustee, Ramakrishna Math & Mission & Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Ashrama, Mysuru & Swami Nityasthanandaji Maharaj, Head, Ramakrishna Mission, Davanagere at 10 am on the 27th December.
Sri Sri Vishwesha Teertha Swamiji, Pontiff of Pejawar Math, Udupi will be presiding over the concluding programme at 2.30 pm on the 29th December.
This convention consists of discourses, Bhajans, Interactions and cultural programmes on all the 3 days. All the discourses will be in Kannada.
We invite all our friends, well wishers & devotees to attend the programme. Details of the programme are given below: